An international effort to
study, conserve & protect
giant mantas and their habitat.

How You Can Help
Photo by Annie Crawley

Nautilus Conservation

For over 25 years of dive charters we have watched first hand as many of the critters that we love to dive with - our friends - have been fished out and disappeared. It is impossible not to be concerned. We feel a huge need to do "something" and vigorously support conservation, scientific research and educational efforts.

The Socorro Conservation Fund was set up to provide charitable support to marine and terrestrial conservation work on the Socorro Islands, and is a tax-exempt 501c3 public charity in the U.S. Between generous donations from our guests and financial support from Captain Mike, we have raised over $300,000 so far.

Our most recent conservation project is a collaboration with the Pacific Manta Research Group, Director Robert Rubin. Our goal, with the help of our guests, is to provide Giant Manta data for research that will provide a scientific basis for protection of this species and the critical habitat in which it lives.

About Pacific Manta Research Group

While conducting field research during the early 1990s, Bob Rubin was unable to locate manta rays within the southern Sea of Cortez, a surprising event as they had been abundant in the recent past. However, these observations were supported by the recent experiences of people interviewed: photographers, biologists, sailors, dive tour outfitters and fishermen. Was this an early indication that the entire ecosystem of the Sea of Cortez was collapsing? It surely sounded the clarion call of a desperate need for further research and investigation into the need for a conservation policy.

The Pacific Manta Research Group has conducted field research on the Oceanic Manta Ray for over three decades in the Gulf of California, the Revillagigedo Archipelago and Banderas Bay in the Mexican Pacific. Their findings have been chronicled in several educational documentaries and viewed widely by international audiences. In addition, the results of this work have been presented to the broad scientific community and to the Government of Mexico. These studies have contributed to efforts to expand and establish habitat and species protection for manta rays and other members of the larger pelagic community of marine animals, including sharks and whales. Presently, the outcomes are being included in an application to UNESCO to establish the Revillagigedo Archipelago as a World Heritage site.

Source: Pacific Manta Research Group Brochure

Photo by Oscar Ortiz

Submit Manta Photos

Pacific Manta Research Group’s photographic library contains over 30,000 images that are used to match individuals in time and space. These photographs have demonstrated that mantas travel between the Revillagigedos and Cerralvo island in the Sea of Cortez. These observations are of both scientific and conservation value because they indicate that, via migration, the depleted population of the Gulf of California can recover.

How You Can Help

  1. During your trip, ask about one of our dedicated Manta ID laptops.
  2. Plugin your camera or flash card, and transfer your manta photos into the secure database.
  3. Fill out your photo release form (More info here)
  4. That's it! The database will be synced with PMRG nightly using the boat's satellite system.